Saturday, May 30, 2009


We told Taylor to go get a book, so she climbed in her book basket...
searched for a good one....
showed it to Mommy...
then got out and took it to Mommy to read!!


We had some big rocks delivered to our house today and with them came two little cages perfect for our runaway baby!!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Our neighborhood pool opened this weekend and since the weather was nice we went swimming twice! Taylor really liked playing on the steps of the "big pool" and playing in the baby pool.

She doesn't last too long in the float

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pools and Popsicles

It has been so warm lately that Grandma got this little pool for Taylor to play in on Friday.

Then we took a popsicle break and Taylor HAD to have my popsicle and hers. I guess we need to work on sharing!!
What a rough life!

Waiting for Daddy

Taylor likes to sit on the front steps and wait for Daddy to come home from work.
I think I see him!!
He's home!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fun with Cousins!

Mike, Rachel, Sophie, and Jackson came in on Wednesday night and stayed with us until today! We had lots of fun playing outside, going to the park (twice), and going to the zoo! I think Taylor is going to be a little bored tomorrow when she wakes up and everyone is gone. Here are the girls trying to catch some bubbles!
Troy with Jackson and Taylor
Taylor and Sophie checking out the water at the zoo
Matching outfits!!
Taylor and Daddy at the petting zoo
Hi, Jackson!
Just too cute to not post!!!
The best shot we could get off all three together!
On Saturday, Opa and Oma came to visit. Troy cooked ribs on the grill all day while we played outside. Going for a bike ride.
Working on climbing the ropes at the park

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Taylor was working on some new "tricks" tonight. I have no idea why, but she just started doing this and she thought she was sooo funny!
We got out some of Taylor's old baby things because Troy's cousin Mike and his family are coming to visit. Taylor thought she would test out the bumbo seat.

Last May....what a difference a year makes!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

We had a nice Mother's Day cookout at Grandma and Grandpa Parker's house today. It was a nice afternoon so we spent a lot of time playing on the deck.
Taylor and Great Grandma Parker
Daddy and Taylor
Loving the outdoors!
After Grandma got the old wagon all cleaned up we took wagon rides around the pool.
And we finished off the afternoon with Taylor's first ice cream cone...yummy!!!
My camera battery died so this is the only ice cream picture I have, but you can imagine what she looked like!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

PB & J

Taylor is a big fan of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (at least for this week). She does not want them cut up though...has to try and eat it like a big girl! She does pretty good until the last few bites.

These are just a couple from the other day that I thought were cute!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Morning at the Park

A new park very near our house just opened. Oma and Taylor went on Sunday and then I took her again Monday morning so I could check it out. It's really nice!!! I think we will be going there often this spring and summer!

Going down the slide!
She LOVED the slides!
Trying to get in the jeep

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Kisses from Daddy
Our new kitchen table finally arrived.....yeah!
Camden came to play on Friday. We tried out my new wagon that Grandma Parker got me. We love it!!!
Helping with the lawn
Oma came to visit this weekend and played with Taylor while we got some yard work done. They took lots of walks, played outside, and even went to the new park! He we are taking a popsicle break.
So yummy and I can eat it all by myself (on my own little stump by the fire)!
Oma and Taylor
Our firepit area is pretty much finished now!