Monday, May 31, 2010

Busy Weekend

We had a busy, but fun three day weekend! First, our neighborhood pool opened so we went both Saturday and Sunday. Taylor had a great time both days!
"Painting" the sidewalk was a big hit both days.
We grilled out both nights too! On Saturday we went to a cook out at the neighbor's house and then stayed up way too late playing outside!
Our biggest projects were inside. We (ok, Troy) painted the baby's room, moved Taylor's new furniture into her room (which got delivered Friday), moved the "baby furniture" into the baby room, and put together a new desk for the new office/guest room! Taylor's mattress set gets delivered tomorrow so we can hopefully finish up her "big girl" room soon!
Helping Daddy put together the new desk and then trying it out!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Clothing War

I am losing the clothing battle,
one day at a time!
(at least she's staying hydrated since it was about 85 degrees out!)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fun With Cousins!!

We had fun in Crown Point over the weekend with Troy's family. His cousin Mike and his family came to visit from Minnesota! A highlight of the weekend was the matching Dora dresses that Sophie and Taylor wore around.
Helping Jackson clean his feet
Sophie and Taylor were "helping" make dinner by washing the dishes,
and cleaning potatoes (anything to play in water).
Eating on TV trays in the sunroom was exciting!
On Sunday we went out for brunch and all three kids were great!
Poor Jackson was having some serious teething issues, but still managed a smile!
We played some t-ball....Taylor swinging for the fence!
Mike and Rachel brought Taylor this cute "big sister" shirt like Sophie has. We attempted a group photo with little luck. Taylor already knew it was a bad idea!
The best one we got!
But this is my favorite.....they look like a bunch of misfits!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Taylor and Mommy on Mother's Day!
And this is what "I do it" often gets us!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Playing Outside

This girl LOVES to play outside. She really likes to be pushed down the driveway in her car.
Go faster!!!
Taylor has started to get pretty good at her tricycle.
When she has other kids to follow around the neighborhood she needs very little help!

And a short video of Taylor riding her tricycle!