Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sweet Sister

Taylor is always really loving towards Ben, but the other morning she was especially fond of him.  First, she wanted to eat breakfast with him.  Since I wouldn't put him in the booster seat (like she wanted) she decided to eat on the floor with him!
Then she fed him some pretend baby food!
 "Thanks for looking out for me, sis!"
 Then she wanted Ben to sit in her chair with her.
 So sweet!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Ben has been especially happy first thing in the morning.  I had to capture some of his smiles!!!
And the "Big Sister" who would not let me get a picture of them together in their shirts!

Fun With Oma and Opa

Oma and Opa came to visit over the weekend.  On Sunday we went to the Johnny Appleseed Festival.  Taylor made a candle and played an "old fashioned" game of hoops!

Then we had a bonfire that night!  Taylor entertained us all with her T-Ball skills....she's actually not that bad!
On Monday we went to the zoo!  Ben loved it as you can see!
Tay and Oma on the boat ride.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Little Chef

I took Taylor to a toddler cooking class today. We got to make three different treats all with a "back to school" theme. I wasn't sure if she would have the patience/attention span for this, but she did so good! I was surprised by how well she listened, followed directions, and didn't eat all the ingredients before we started!
Here she is frosting her bus cookie....the only thing she would let me help with was spreading the frosting.
Trying not to get too carried away with the gel!
Our treats....a bus cookie, a chocolate crayon, and an apple cupcake!
So proud of her work!
FINALLY getting to eat one!

We signed up for 3 more cooking in October, November, and December!

Little Mommy

Taylor has become an even bigger "little mommy" since Ben has been born. She treats her dolls like real babies and it is so cute to watch. I hear her repeating things I say to Ben and also doing the same things that I do.....kinda scary that she's always watching (even when I don't think she is)!!!
Burping the baby (apparently she hasn't noticed I pat his back)
Getting all wrapped up to go to sleep
A nice, tight swaddle!
A GREAT big sister!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

One Month Old!

It's hard to believe that Ben is already a month (and a few days) old! We are starting to get into a routine around here and most of our days go fairly well. He sleeps about 5 hours some nights and others he is back to getting up every 3 hours.
Here is Benjamin's "official" one month photo!
We can get some smiles out of him every once in awhile!
Sleeping in the swing....a favorite thing to do!
He just started showing some interest in the play mat (or placemat as Taylor calls it).
Ben hanging out at the zoo on Friday!
Happy Boy!!!
And taking in a little Sunday football!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Last Splash!

Grandma cranked up the heat in her pool and we had what was probably our last swim of the season! Troy took Vladi for a swim, which he loved!
Taylor - she was such a brave swimmer for most of the summer but was still very hesitant at times. It will be fun to see how much more she can do next summer!
Blast off with Daddy!
Jumping to grandma....she loved to do "really big jumps" and "bellyflops".

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's House

We had fun hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa Parker's house all weekend!
Taylor and Vladi....she was very busy having to "take care" of 2 babies!!!
Vladi loved Grandma's exersaucer!
Ben liked Grandma's bouncer (about as much as Ben likes anything)!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We were excited to have Uncle David and Cousin Vladimir come from Atlanta to visit us over Labor Day. This is the first time all the "cousins" have been together so Grandma wanted to try to get some pictures taken. It was a rough start to the morning with both the little boys pooping all up their backs (and Vladi ruining his matching shirt), but we got a few decent pictures!