Monday, May 30, 2011

Catching Up

I just realized I haven't posted in awhile.....we've been busy I guess!  A couple weekends ago we went with some of our neighbors to an indoor waterpark.  Taylor went with us and Ben stayed with Grandma and Grandpa.  I think her favorite part was sleeping in the top bunk of a bunk bed in the hotel room!  Here is the one picture I took that weekend...
 Taylor is getting pretty good on her bike so she likes to take bike rides "really far away" from home.
 Ben enjoys riding with Daddy!
 We FINALLY had some nice weather and enjoyed going to the pool twice this weekend.  Here is what Taylor chose to wear to the pool....cute!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


We bought a swingset off of Craigslist a couple weeks ago.  We've spent the past couple weeks getting it cleaned up, stained, and accessorized!  Now it is ready and we finally had a few nice days to enjoy playing on it. 
This is the "before" picture....thanks to all our friends and neighbors who helped Troy move it!

 And the finished product....thanks to Oma and Opa for helping us stain!
Taylor LOVES the playhouse part! She has a little kitchen, table, and chairs in there.  Here she is multitasking....on the phone and sweeping!
 Troy added this deck to the bottom because the sandbox part was huge.  We put a play grill out there for the kids and just need sand and a cover for the sandbox now.
 Benny with the grilling food!

Friday, May 13, 2011

9 Months Old

At his 9 month appointment, Ben weighed 21 lbs. 2 oz (60th%) and was 29 1/2 inches long (80th%).  He is getting to be a much better crawler now and tries so hard to pull himself up on everything, but can't quite do it.  He is really starting to get into everything!!!!  He is a good eater, especially if it is something he likes!  He prefers to feed himself and will shove food in two hand fulls at a time!  His sleeping is MUCH better and most nights he sleeps for about 11-12 hours without waking up.
 I took some 9 month pictures last weekend.....

 And a couple of Taylor...

Sunday, May 8, 2011


 Check out my big top teeth coming through!
 and just a cute one!