Monday, December 31, 2012

Snow Fun!

We finally got a little snow and Taylor was so excited to go outside and play in it.  After Ben woke up, he decided to join them (once I convinced him he had to wear snow pants and boots)!
Sledding down the driveway!

 They loved having Troy pull them around the cul-de-sac in the sled.
 Warming up with hot chocolate!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Crown Point Christmas

We spent a few days in Crown Point after Christmas.  We first went to Oma and Opa's house where Santa left a bounce house in the basement for the kids!!!  They LOVE it and it's a great way to burn some energy!

 Taylor was excited to get a boy baby.

 Benny snug in his new sleeping bag.
 We spent all day Thursday at Grandpa Rick's and Grandma Cyndi's.

 Taylor got a snow cone machine, which she loves.
 We've been having LOTS of snow cones!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Day

We spent all of Christmas Day at home and had a great time!  Santa left the kids a pretty good stash that they opened in the morning. 
 Drew trying out his new scooter!
 Taylor was very excited about a "double stroller with two sun shades and a tray".... Santa did well!
 Ben trying out his new scooter!
 Taylor became a pro at posing with her gifts!

 We also opened gifts that had come in the mail from Aunt Dodie.....more bristle blocks, a favorite around here.
 We spent the rest of the morning playing until Grandma and Grandpa Parker, Great Grandma, Uncle Andy and Aunt Marcy and Uncle Steve came over.

 Troy smoked a great dinner of chicken and ribs!  We opened more gifts....Ben trying to ride one of his new dinosaurs from Uncle Andy.
 Drew preferred the boxes!
 We ended the night with a little T-ball in the house.....our little lefty slugger!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Ready for Santa!!

We are ready for Santa to come!!!
We made our Christmas cookies....

 Put our Christmas jammies on...

 Fed the reindeer....

 Opened one present....

And got our cookies and hot chocolate (Taylor's choice) ready for Santa!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012


We had a Christmas party with our neighbors last weekend.  The big surprise of the night was a visit from Santa!
 All the kids got a chance to talk with Santa.  Taylor waited until the very end to decide she would try it.  At first she didn't want to sit on his lap.
 But then she warmed up and sat on his lap!  She told him she wanted a double stroller for her babies and a baby food maker for her babies.
 Drew....not a fan of Santa!
 Christmas 2012....ha!
 The neighborhood kids!
 Santa even read a story before he left (I love how interested Ben looks...on the far left).

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gingerbread Houses

We went to our annual Gingerbread House making class at Country Kitchen last weekend.  We brought Ben along too for his very first "cooking class".  Taylor was so funny explaining all the rules to him, "Now Benny, you have to listen when Miss Kelly is talking and you have to wash your hands and you can't eat all the candy.....". 
Taylor was determined to do it all by herself and she pretty much did.  It took her over an hour and she was the very last one done in the class.

 Ben and Troy worked together on his house.  Daddy squirted the icing out and Ben stuck all the candy on.  He did a great job, sticking with it the whole time!  Even the instructor commented on how well he did for being one of the youngest.  I think he gets to go back next time!!!

 We also went to the Festival of Lights at Franke Park on Saturday night.  We took some random pictures of the kids.

 Drew was working on "smiling on command".
 Couldn't quite get it figured out!

 This could've been a great picture.  At least it makes me laugh!!!