Monday, August 27, 2012

Sox and Soccer

Troy and Ben went to Crown Point/Chicago over the weekend to hang out and go see the White Sox play.  This was Ben's first game!

 Taylor, Drew, and I stayed home because she had her 2nd soccer game of the season.  She is on "Team Aruba"!  The team did a lot better this week than last, but Taylor has a long way to go in her soccer skills!  She isn't quite aggressive enough at this point, but she sure does enjoy the water breaks and the snack after the game!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

10 Months

Drew is 10 months old and he is a wild man!  He is so squirmy all the time....loves to crawl, pull up, climb, and get into everything.  His favorite places are the stairs, the pantry, refrigerator, and the toliet!  He is usually really happy unless he is tired.  And, he is often tired because fighting naps is his newest game.  He loves to play up in his crib and do anything but sleep.  He still wakes up before 6 a.m. everyday, but I have decided I am done with that so I don't go up there anymore.  He will fall back asleep and sleep until 6:15 or so.  He is still a pretty good eater, but I am starting to see signs of him becoming more picky about what he eats.  Drew now has 5 teeth....3 on top and 2 on the bottom.  He can clap, wave, give high fives, and sign "more".

 Look closely and you can see his fangs!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Ben's Birthday!!!

Grandpa Rick came to our house on Friday night so we celebrated Ben's birthday with him!
 A group effort to open gifts!
 Excited about a 4 wheeler!
 This guy HAD to get on top of every gift!

 Making "mud pies" Saturday morning.
 We had a party for Ben Saturday's the train cake I made.

 Oma made Ben this cute train station playhouse!

 We ended the night with a bonfire and sparklers!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday, Ben!!!

We had fun celebrating Ben's 2nd birthday yesterday!!!  When he woke up he opened some presents that came in the mail from Aunt Dodie!
 Later in the morning, Grandma, Grandpa, and Vladi came up.  They took Taylor and Ben to the zoo.  After naps we had pizza and opened more presents!
 Daddy, Vladi, and Ben checking out his new train set!

 Grandma and Grandpa brought an ice cream cake!

 After cake we went outside so Ben could try out his new balance bike from Grandma and Grandpa.  He really likes it and practiced on it a long time today!
We went to the doctor today and Ben now weighs 28 lbs. 4 oz. (60th percentile) and is 35 1/4 inches tall (75th percentile).  Happy 2nd Birthday.....we love you!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Swimming in Myrtle Beach

The kids had a great time in the pool when we were on vacation.  I think it helped to have lots of people to swim with, jump to, etc. 

 Ben loved being thrown in the air!
 Taylor started working on some jumps....the bellysmacker is the one she does the most!
 She also worked on "the twist".
 Drew loving the pool!