Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend Visitors

Grandpa Larkins and Uncle Blake came to the visit this weekend! We had GREAT weather and a lot of fun!! On Saturday afternoon the guys played some cornhole.
Drinking Blake's water
Having a picnic dinner
"Blake, do you think it's o.k. if I drink this beer?"
mmmmm.....(she didn't actually drink it)!
Taylor thinks she is so big when she sits on the stool at the counter!
And drinks her diet coke (not open)!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tincaps Game

Sunday afternoon Grandma and Grandpa Parker, Oma and Opa, Troy, Taylor and I all went to the Tincaps (minor league baseball) game. It was a beautiful day and Taylor did really well at the game.
Having some Dippin' Dots! (she did like them)
Watching them throw the ball....she also liked when they hit it.
Taylor even cleaned up her seat with a wet wipe late in the game!
Heading back out to the car with Daddy.
The Tincaps won in the 13th inning, but we left after the 10th because we were all getting tired and hungry!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

18 Months

Taylor is 18 months old today!!! I can't believe how fast she has grown up...she's not a baby anymore!

What a happy, healthy, smart, and funny little girl!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mad Face

Taylor has her "mad face" perfected.
First you stare....
then you give 'em the mad face!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Silly Girl

Taylor decided she wanted to wear a couple of Mommy's tank tops the other day!
Trying to get them off!
Just some cute pictures of her being silly and purposely falling down and laughing tonight!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Weekend

We spent the weekend in Crown Point visiting Troy's side of the family. I did NOT do a good job taking pictures. Here is Taylor at Oma's retirement party on Friday night.
Hanging out on G & G Larkins' deck

Ready to go for a ride in Uncle Blake's new car!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sand and Water

One of Taylor's favorite things to do outside is to play with her sand and water table. She loves to pour the water into the sand and then put sand in the water.
She also likes to fill up buckets.

"Uh Oh!"

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Jumping Rope

Taylor thinks watching someone jump rope is about one of the greatest things ever. So, we've been jumping a lot of rope lately! I caught some of her faces while Troy was jumping for her the other day!
Taking Daddy the rope!
C'mon Daddy!
Trying to jump too
The tongue is out!
Really getting into it!!
Good job, Daddy!!!