Sunday, January 29, 2012

3 Months

It's hard to believe that Drew is 3 months old already!  He has finally figured out how to sleep at night.  Just for about the past week he went from getting up every couple hours to sleeping 8-9's wonderful!!!  Now we need to work on naps!  He likes to lay on his playmat and watch the musical star and also is starting to sit up in the bumbo seat some.  His head is getting stronger and his hair is getting much thinner!  He still hates his carseat and if he had his way he would just be held all day long!
 Some 3 month pictures....

 Boiler Up!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


We attempted to take the kids sledding on Sunday.  It was a lot colder out than we thought, which didn't help.  Taylor went down the hill a couple times and Ben hated every minute of it (except when Grandpa would throw the empty sled down the hill).  I think we'll just stick to making snowmen in our yard this year!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Taylor got her haircut this weekend.  It was the first time she got more than just a trim.  She probably got about 5 inches cut off.  We think it looks cute!!!

 Ben got a haircut, too.....just not as exciting!

Monday, January 16, 2012


I realized I haven't posted anything for awhile!  We haven't been doing much....we enjoyed the "warm" January weather when it was here.  I tried to get the kids outside every day that we could!

 Ben LOVED being outside and would throw a fit or run away when it was time to come in.

 Drew is getting bigger and more content.  He smiles frequently (especially for Mommy), but this is the best I can get on camera!
 Taylor and I went to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D at the movie theater.  The 3D glasses have been a big hit around here.