Sunday, September 23, 2012

Drew - 11 months

Drew is 11 months old!!!!  I can't believe his 1st birthday is almost here!  He is all over the place now crawling, pulling up, climbing, and walking around furniture.  He shows no interest in standing on his own or walking on his own.  He is still a good eater....he'll eat most anything you put in front of him, especially if he can feed himself.  His sleeping still has room for improvement.  He slept until 7 or 7:30 a few days in a row and I got excited, but now we are back to 6:30 (or earlier) most days.  He also fights pretty much every single nap.  He now has 8 teeth (4 on top and 4 on bottom).  He can say "hi" and "dada".  He loves his mommy and really likes to hang all over me all day long!  Drew loves playing with balls, bathtime, playing in the sand, and pushing cars around.
We love swinging and being outside!!!!

 I love digging in the corn....
 until Taylor tries to make me a construction worker by putting a bucket on my head!
Here is a short video:

Monday, September 17, 2012


We've been spending as much time as possible outside while it is nice out!  The kids have been playing out back a lot on the swingset, in the sandbox, and picking up acorns!

 We are trying to go to the zoo at least once a week before it closes in October.  Drew likes to ride the carousel now!  Taylor and Ben got to pet a kangaroo joey last week.

 Taylor's soccer league had a midseason party last weekend.  The kids had a good time dancing, eating snowcones, and watching fireworks!
We also celebrated Grandma's 60th birthday!!!!  Happy Birthday, Grandma! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

1st Day of Preschool

Taylor started her second (and final) year of preschool today!  She is going two mornings a week to a different school than last year.  She had a great day today and keeps asking when she gets to go back!  I asked her about some of her "favorite" things today.  Hopefully I remember to do this at the start of every school year so we can see how she changes!
 She was adament that she "just wants to be me" when she grows up.  I gave her many examples of jobs, etc. but she seemed almost offended that I would suggest she be something other than her!