Monday, January 28, 2013

15 months

Drew turned 15 months!!!  He is turning into more of a toddler than a baby.  He is FINALLY sleeping!  The past few days he has been sleeping a full 12 hours at night and usually takes one decent nap a day.  He is still all over the place and keeps us on our toes.  He is really starting to copy everything Taylor and Ben do.  We went to the doctor and he weighs 23 lbs. 6 oz. and is 30 1/2 inches long....both are right around the 50th percentile.  He had his iron level rechecked and this time it came back normal.  We still have to continue his vitamin, but we don't need to do anything else!

Taylor has been in baby heaven lately.  Here she is holding baby Cooper in the hospital.  She has also been able to hold Crew and Phoebe recently!

Taylor's class had a field trip to Country Kitchen last week.  We enjoyed making all kinds of "snowy" treats!

Ben has been working on potty training....kind of.  We're taking it slow right now, but he has used the potty several times, so I'm optimistic it might not take him until he is 5 like I originally thought!
Uncle David and Vladi came to visit this weekend!  We had fun playing with him.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Catching Up

It's been awhile since I posted but we really haven't been up to much!  We enjoyed the few warm days we had recently but now we are back inside waiting for Winter to end.  Hopefully we can get some more snow!  Random pictures......
With the Shalley cousins
Christmas/New Year's Eve Party with friends.....Taylor made it to midnight!
Drew's first time in the snow!

Still climbing on EVERYTHING!
Taylor wanted curly hair one day so we got out the hot rollers!

It looked really cute, but only held until about noon.  Poor girl can't keep any curl in her hair!