Sunday, May 27, 2012

Two Wheels!!!

Taylor has been practicing riding with out her training wheels for the past couple days.  She wasn't sure at first, but after her friend Camden mastered it she was ready to give it a try!  Tonight she was able to go up and down the street without us holding on.  She still has a lot of fine tuning to do, but she said, "I'm never putting my training wheels back on!"
 Getting started....
 a little help from Daddy...
 all by myself!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

7 Months

Drew is 7 months!!!! This year is going sooo fast!  He sits up really well now and loves to sit and play with a basket full of toys.  He tries to crawl, but doesn't really get anywhere.  He LOVES to pull hair, grab faces, and get his hands on anything within his reach.  His still has lots of room for improvement in the sleeping department, but he usually doesn't eat until about 6 am.....just likes to wake a lot in between!  He is doing great with baby food!  He likes everything we have given him so far and is eating three little meals a day.  I just realized today that he has one tooth through on the bottom....I'm hoping he's a better teether than Ben!
 Drew also got his first (unofficial) haircut!  I trimmed it up a little because the front was in his eyes!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

End of Preschool!

Taylor finished her first year of preschool last week!  She did a great job and really seemed to enjoy being there and playing with her "school friends".
A picture before the last day!
 They had an end of the year program one evening.  Each class sang a couple songs and then each kid was introduced.
 Taylor's turn!
 The best part of the night.........running around the gym and eating cookies!
Here is the video footage of the two songs her class sang.....

Friday, May 18, 2012

Beach Pictures

I forgot I had not posted these pictures from Florida. 

I wanted to get a picture of all three of the kids together, but that did not happen.  Ben face planted into the water about 2 minutes after getting down to the beach then proceeded to cover himself in sand.  Getting them to all sit still on the beach was just not happening!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day

We had a nice Mother's Day at home with Grandma and Grandpa Parker, Oma, and Great Grandma Parker.  Troy made smoked ribs and did most of the cooking and cleaning!

 Drew (despite the look on his face) loves riding in this car!
 Not Mother's Day, but too cute in matching jammies!


Last Friday night was beautiful so we had our first "bonfire" of the spring, played outside, and had s'mores.  Taylor has been begging to do this for awhile so she was thrilled.
 Drew enjoyed hanging out on the blanket!
 Our kids and some of the neighbor kids had a great time playing out back and running around.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Oma, Taylor, and I spent a morning in Chicago!  First we went and saw Pinkalicious the musical.  It was really cute and Taylor loved it.  She keeps asking when we are going to go see it again!
Here we are with Pinkalicious and Peter!
 After the show we took Taylor to American Girl for the first was conveniently located right across from the theater.  She picked out a Bitty Baby!

 We also went to the Lego store!
 Woody made out of Legos!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Drew had his 6 month appointment this week.  He weighed 16 lb. 12 oz. (35th percentile) and was 27 1/4 inches long (75th percentile).  He weighed exactly what Taylor did at 6 months!

Children's Garden

We spent one morning at the Sarasota Children's Garden while we were in Florida.  It was a strange little place, but the kids liked it and it was a nice change of pace!
Grandma and Taylor trying out the really big chair!
 Ben driving the choo choo
 There were lots of bridges, tunnels, tree houses, etc.
 Taylor on top of the tire pile.
 Taylor and Oma in the octopus sand box.