Wednesday, July 30, 2008

5 Months Old

Taylor turned 5 months old while we were on vacation. Since the big bear did not make the trip we had to get the monthly picture when we got home. Taylor can now sit up by herself for several minutes before she tips over. We can see her back getting stronger everyday and her balance is getting better too. She is developing quite a little personality and smiles and laughs at pretty much everything!!!!

We gave her some rice cereal the other night for the first time. She was pretty indifferent towards it. I think she really liked chewing on the spoon!!! We tried to take some pictures but it was pretty uneventful!!
Now that she is sitting she likes to empty all the toys out of the basket. She takes them out one by one, puts it in her mouth, then tosses it to the side. She works so hard at it and it takes a long time (which I like)!

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