Sunday, October 23, 2011

Drew Michael Larkins

Drew Michael Larkins was born at 3:34 pm on Friday, October 21st.  We thought I was going to have a c-section due to him being breech just a week earlier, but sometime during the week he flipped and was ready to go.  He weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. and is 21 inches long.  Shortly after birth his blood sugar levels dropped and he began breathing rapidly.  He was admitted to the NICU to start an antibiotic and get his levels corrected.  He is still in the NICU, but is doing really well.  We are just waiting to see if he has an infection of some kind or was just stressed from a quick delivery.  This will determine how long he has to be on the antibiotics.

 Peeking out from under his "hood" in his NICU bed!
 Snuggling with his monkey from Taylor!

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