Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Drew's First Foods and Ben's New Ride

We've started feeding Drew rice cereal, oatmeal, carrots, and sweet potatoes.  So far he has really liked it all!!!  This is surprising because the other two (especially Ben) never really liked any of the cereals or veggies!
 He does a good job eating, however he tries his hardest to grab the spoon EVERY time you give him a bite!
 Just waiting patiently for my dinner!
 Ben got a new ride over the weekend!  Our neighbor boy has the same truck and Ben basically stalks him until he gets out so he can drive it.  I ended up finding the same truck on Craigslist just a few miles from our house so we went and got it.  He LOVES it!!! 
Crusin' for chicks?!?!?

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